
Do you offer window replacement?

1 min read
  • 14 February, 2023

Projects that involve removal of existing items from the building structure require a trades person licensed in carpentry or a building class to carry out this work and prepare structure for the new products.

Our trade license class is Glass, Glazing and Aluminium which does not include carpentry and structural work.

For example: Our 411 series top-hung bi-fold requires a beam / lintel which is suitable to support the weight of the frame and panels of the door which needs to be determined by an engineer / qualified builder to install.

We can provide an optional extra costing to supply and install the new items (custom-made) into the structural openings prepared by a licensed trades person. Trades will also need to carry out finishing work such as wall-lining / cladding / painting as required once the new products are in place.