
Orders: handover service

1 min read
  • 15 February, 2023

For orders delivered within our servicing region a single visit to make any necessary adjustments following the completion of construction (e.g at building hand-over from the builder to the owner) is complimentary with your order.

You or your builder should notify us when the practical completion date is approaching to allow for scheduling.

Service visits may be carried out prior or following when hand-over has taken place within a reasonable time frame (e.g. 3 months). This should occur after the products have been cleaned and the tracks/sills are clear of obstructions so that products can be operated and adjusted as necessary; otherwise servicing of products could be refused and incur a call-out fee if required to return later.
Any faults relating to incorrect product installation (excluding items installed by AW&D) will be deemed as non-warranty.

A Service Request is required to be completed to provide details of items that need attention, please ensure this list is complete as further call-outs may be charged. Please provide details of the service request in our Support Portal ticket system

Handover Service Checklist
  • Construction is complete
  • Painting is complete
  • Builder's trade clean has occurred
  • Sills and Tracks are clean and clear of debris
  • Scaffolding does not prevent products from operating
  • Any damage or replacement parts has been notified prior to visit
  • List of specific items which require attention has been provided