
Email Scams (Payment Details)

# News
1 min read
  • Posted: 23 November, 2020

We would like to remind our customers to use caution and increased vigilance when using electronic funds transfers / direct payments to pay suppliers.

An article by the ABC (posted 24/11/2020) Tradies frustrated by banks as business email scam costs them $51,000 serves as a cautionary (and devastating) example when dealing with payments and bank details over email.

We are more than happy for our customers to confirm any details verbally when dealing with payments. We have also not changed our bank account details during our entire length of operation and we would not advise of an account change solely by email without lengthy communication beforehand. Please note that email addresses (sent from) can be easily impersonated and links contained within an email can redirect (hover over the link to see where the destination link is).


AWD Management

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