
753 ComfortEDGE™ Sliding Window

Series 753ComfortEDGE™ Sliding Window
  • Series 753 ComfortEDGE™ sliding window is an energy efficient window system designed to have minimised sightline from the aluminium frame and sash.
  • Series 753 ComfortEDGE™ sliding windows have been successfully tested for compliance with Australian Standard AS 2047.
  • The sash is concealed below the reveal and maintains the same sightlines as the fixed lights. This greatly enhances thermal performance by reducing the exposed internal boundary condition and also achieves a clean minimalist architectural look on both the inside and outside.
  • The window has a unique patent thermal seal fitted to the essential top single reveal that greatly reduces thermal transmission through the window.
  • Water resistance rating of 300Pa allows fabricators to use this sliding window in most exposed locations in Australia.
  • Optional meeting stiles, mullions and transoms strengths cover a large variety of design wind load areas.
  • Will accept 18 to 20mm IGU's allowing the inclusion of high performance glazing systems.

Product Specifications

Product Specifications
Maximum Panel Height* 1500mm
Maximum Panel Width* 1000mm
Maximum Glass Thickness ≤ 20mm
SHGC Range 0.23 - 0.61
Uw Range 2.6 - 3.6
* Subject to individual site conditions and wind loads. Visit the WERS website: Product Ratings
753 Sliding Window HERO
753 1 Jamb
753 3 Sill
Comfort Edge Sliding Thumb

Product Specifications

Product Specifications
Maximum Panel Height* 1500mm
Maximum Panel Width* 1000mm
Maximum Glass Thickness ≤ 20mm
SHGC Range 0.23 - 0.61
Uw Range 2.6 - 3.6
* Subject to individual site conditions and wind loads. Visit the WERS website: Product Ratings