
Architectural Windows & Doors is a member of the Australian Glass and Window Association and as such conforms to an Industry Code of Conduct designed to protect consumers.

Architectural Windows & Doors is inspected by independent third party NATA accredited auditors to validate that the window and door products examined have been manufactured to the relevant Australian Standards and the legislative requirements of the National Construction Code of Australia.


This Guarantee is provided in addition to any warranty or guarantee imposed by law and in particular the guarantees implied by the Competition and Consumer Act 2010(Cth). In no way does this Guarantee seek to exclude or limit any right or remedy you have in Law. However to the extent that is permitted by law any other warranties or guarantees are excluded. For the purpose of this warranty “the product” means a window or door product ordinarily manufactured and sold by the manufacturer. Subject to the conditions and limitations below Architectural Windows & Doors guarantees that its products are of acceptable quality and free of any defect caused by the manufacturer.



a) Moving parts such as lock cylinders; door rollers; lever handles; hinges; activators; springs

b) Parts supplied by other manufacturers as separate components and where such components are warranted or guaranteed by its manufacturer or supplier those guarantees or warranties whether express or implied are assigned to whom the goods are supplied;

c) Cosmetic damage;

d) Damage caused by accident, misuse, transport, installation or any external cause:

e) Failure to install, use and operate the product in a way that is not in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, good building practice, relevant building standards or a use for which the product has not been designed or recommended by the manufacturer.

f) service work that is carried out by other than ARCHITECTURAL WINDOWS & DOORS or authorised agents.

g) Installation: the Window or Door Product was installed, fitted, or operated on by an unqualified installer in trade; or was otherwise

installed, fitted or operated on contrary to the applicable industry guide or standards, including the AWA Industry Guide to the

Correct Installation of Windows and Doors and the AWA Industry Guide to the Correct Fixing of Windows and Doors;


h) Improper Use: the Window or Door Product was used in a manner not in accordance with the instructions, or for a purpose not specified in the published literature

i) Alterations: the Window or Door Product has been altered or retro-fitted with parts not supplied by ARCHITECTURAL WINDOWS & DOORS

j) Normal wear and tear: the defect in, or damage to a Window or Door Product was the result of normal wear and tear on the Window or Door Product such as wear of finishes on running guides and tracks

k) Non-Payment: ARCHITECTURAL WINDOWS & DOORS has not been paid in full for the corresponding Window or Door Product supplied


Should you wish to make a claim under this guarantee you are required to first notify the manufacturer. Other than as provided by law the manufacture will repair or replace the product to the extent that it is functionally equivalent to the product supplied. Where a product has been repaired or replaced this warranty shall apply to the repaired or replaced product for the balance of the period provided by this guarantee.


Visit our dedicated Support Portal at support.windowsdoors.com.au for detailed information on our after-sales support, service and warranty processes.

ARCHITECTURAL WINDOWS & DOORS products are manufactured from the most suitable materials and finishes available to the specification provided and when properly maintained will give many years of quality service. Failure to maintain may void the warranty.


For orders delivered within our servicing region; a single visit to make any necessary adjustments following the completion of construction (e.g at building hand‐over from the builder to the owner) is complimentary with your order. You or your builder should contact us when the practical completion date is approaching to allow for scheduling. Service visits may be carried out prior or following when hand‐over has taken place within a reasonable time frame (e.g. 3 months). This should occur after the products have been cleaned tracks/sills are clear of obstructions so that products can be operated and adjusted as necessary otherwise servicing of products could be refused and a incur return call‐out fee. Any faults relating to incorrect product installation will be deemed as non‐warranty.


We require all after‐sales enquiries to be submitted via our Support Portal at support.windowsdoors.com.au; enabling collection of necessary information and details